Friday, March 20, 2020

OUTRAS UTILIZAÇÕES Lado positivo, expressão artistica, humor (beneficios) EXEMPLOS


New York's mayor has admitted using audio deepfakes to call residents in languages he doesn't speak.

Eric Adams has been heard speaking Spanish and Mandarin thanks to the technology, which he said was a way to reach more people.


If I’m right, then the perhaps unsurprising moral of this story is that, just like forged paintings, or cosmetic surgery, or Andy Warhol’s wig, deepfakes only really “work” where their status as fake is at least somewhat hidden — whether because it was mentioned only once to viewers and then half-forgotten about, or because it was never mentioned at all in the first place. What’s perhaps more surprising is that this seems true even where the intent is mainly to get viewers to imagine something. If the viewer is fully conscious that an image is faked, she will be less likely to believe it; but she will also be unlikely even just to suspend her disbelief in the way that imaginative immersion in a dramatic re-enactment requires. When it comes to deepfakes in documentaries, then, unless you can find a way to use them cleverly, it seems to me you should possibly save your money altogether. For some creative purposes, it’s pointless to keep reminding people they are in Fake Barn Country.


But not all kinds of deepfakes are bad. The advancement of any emerging technology brings with it positive and negative uses – and the future of healthcare certainly has much to gain from deepfakes.

On Monday (14 November), clinical-stage drug discovery company Insilico Medicine unveiled a spate of updates to its Pharma.AI SaaS platform, showcasing advancements the company has made in its biotech business by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence. One such application of AI is in using deepfake technology, most often used to create lifelike videos of humans, to design new molecules that have the potential to treat diseases.


Synthetic Medical Imaging: How Deepfakes Could Improve Healthcare

Police have used a deepfake video to try to solve the murder of a teenage boy who was shot dead in Rotterdam 17 years ago. The investigation into the death of Sedar Soares was reopened 18 months ago after a cold case team uncovered new information that discredited the original theory that he was killed by an enraged motorist for throwing a snowball at his car. Police now believe he was the accidental victim of a stray bullet fired during a rip deal, in which criminal gangs try to steal from each other. ‘The police can only draw the sad conclusion that Sedar was in the wrong place at the wrong time,’ said a spokesman.

While this technology has been most widely associated with media manipulation and the spread of misinformation, often referred to as deepfakes, it is increasingly being used for positive applications and integrated into areas ranging from entertainment, to humanitarian efforts and education. With the adaptation and usage of AI generated characters across different industries, we see a potential for significant positive applications in a variety of fields such as learning, privacy, telecommunication, art, and therapy. In this workshop, we will bring together researchers in HCI, AI, and related fields to explore the positive applications, design considerations, and ethical implications of using AI generated characters and related forms of synthetic media.

Deepfake "ressuscita" cientistas mulheres para receberem prêmio Nobel
Simulações da geneticista Esther Lederberg e da física Lise Meitner reproduzem discurso de agradecimento pelo reconhecimento de seus trabalhos — que foram atribuídos a homens

C’est ce que propose de faire en quelques clics DeepPrivacy. Ce site permet de trafiquer rapidement une photo en lui appliquant les techniques d’IA utilisées par le deepfake. Le but n'est pas de faire ressembler un individu à quelqu’un d’autre, mais plutôt à personne d’autre… avec parfois quelques raté.


Movies Fronted By Deep Faked Stars Are Inevitable. Films today can de-age or even resurrect actors. With commercials embracing the tech, how long until a deepfaked performance lands in the lead role?

If you ever dreamed of acting in the same movie as Hugh jackmanYou can do it now, or at least your photography could. This as part of the promotion for the movie Reminiscence where Using deepfake technology, we can make our face appear in the new interactive trailer that Warner Bros released. Reminiscence is a film directed and written by the co-creator of Westworld, Lisa Joy, where the story of a mind researcher who finds a way to relive memories using a special machine and we we are a customer style that seeks to sink in his memories to solve a case.
What if technology enabled you to share a screen with Hugh Jackman? And no, we are not talking about a look-alike or virtual replica. Warner Bros.’ upcoming movie Reminiscence starring Jackman has incorporated deepfake technology to turn a fan’s photograph into a short video sequence with Jackman. Along with digital studio Oblio, the American film production company has partnered with Israeli-based synthetic media startup D-ID to use its ‘Live Portrait’ product and create personalised experiences for movie fans. 


Em uma nova ativação da campanha sua campanha de final de ano, a Globo lançou um filtro que utiliza a técnica de deepfake para customizar o rosto de uma pessoa no corpo de um talento da emissora que tenha participado do tradicional vídeo ‘Hoje é um novo dia’. A aposta no recurso foca no engajamento do público com a tradicional campanha, através de inteligência artificial e deep learning. A solução foi desenvolvida internamente pela empresa, com o apoio da Accenture Interactive.


De-ageing actors, resurrecting deceased stars on-screen: How is AI is taking the entertainment space by storm

So can this deepfake technology be used for evil? Yes. But if Get Back proves anything, it shows it can be used for "deep restoration" as well. A great deal of vintage content can be repaired in this way, be it original films or archival footage that can make it look brand new again -- or the freshest they have ever looked and shown on modern content delivery platforms.

LOS ANGELES - Andy Chanley, the afternoon drive host at Southern California's public radio station 88.5 KCSN, has been a radio DJ for over 32 years. And now, thanks to artificial intelligence technology, his voice will live on simultaneously in many places. "I may be a robot, but I still love to rock," says the robot DJ named Andy, derived from Artificial Neural Disk-JockeY, in Chanley's voice, during a demonstration for Reuters where the voice was hard to distinguish from a human DJ.


La productora chilena Nano, famosa entre los internautas por sus parodias, videos virales y doblajes alternativos (siempre en línea con la contingencia local), se alista para su debut cinematográfico. Se trata de “Una Película de Zombies”, comedia que fue desarrollada en pandemia junto a un elenco que integran Sergio Freire, Javiera Contador, Pedro Ruminot, Ricardo Meruane, Juan Andrés Salfate, Javiera Acevedo, Miguelito y Botota Fox, entre otros. Una de sus novedades radica en la herramienta que sostiene el filme: el Deepfake, técnica de inteligencia artificial que permite intercambiar rostros de personas de modo hiperrealista.

But a recent team of researchers found another use for deepfakes - to deepfake the mind. And using machine learning to simulate artificial neural data in this way may make a world of difference for those with disabilities.



Live reenactments and carefully processed historical footage are expensive and time-consuming undertakings. Deepfake technology democratizes such efforts, offering a cheap and widely available tool for animating old photos or creating convincing fake videos from scratch.


Deepfakes may also become a new canvas for artists. Stephanie Lepp, one video artist, recently created “Deep Reckonings”: surprisingly realistic videos of public figures regretting their actions, including an uncannily believable Mark Zuckerberg apologizing for Facebook’s alleged promotion of “hateful propagandists” and “ethnic violence.” When Lepp posted them, she explicitly marked the videos as deepfakes, but viewers said it was still thought-provoking to see these figures wrestle with their public impact, however fictitiously. For Lepp, deepfakes are a tool to help imagine a different, better world. They can evoke “that pathway to the future we aspire to,” she tells me. Sometimes only a fake can express our truest desires.

Researchers at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering are using generative adversarial networks (GANs) — technology best known for creating deepfake videos and photorealistic human faces — to improve brain-computer interfaces for people with disabilities.
In a paper published in Nature Biomedical Engineering, the team successfully taught an AI to generate synthetic brain activity data. The data, specifically neural signals called spike trains, can be fed into machine-learning algorithms to improve the usability of brain-computer interfaces (BCI).


Reface, a US startup founded by Ukrainians, wants to use deepfake AI for more playful purposes, allowing the user to swap Justin Bieber's head, or the Mona Lisa's, for their own. But co-founder Ivan Altsybieiev imagines a future where people could mock up entire remakes of their favourite TV shows, starring themselves. A "future where all content could be personalised", he told AFP

REAVIVAR A HISTÒRIA (ver ética...)
Live reenactments and carefully processed historical footage are expensive and time-consuming undertakings. Deepfake technology democratises such efforts, offering a cheap and widely available tool for animating old photos or creating convincing fake videos from scratch


A heart-warming commercial starring one of the most beloved actors of Turkish cinema appeared on Turkish television at the beginning of 2021. Thanks to deepfake technology, Kemal Sunal was able to star in a recent Ziraat Bank commercial more than 20 years after his passing. While this put a smile on the faces of many spectators, it has also given rise to a series of copyright questions.

There is global debate over whether copyright should subsist in works generated by artificial intelligence (“AI”) systems or whether a sui generis right should be granted to AI-generated works. Another heated topic of discussion is whether AI should be granted legal personality, which would enable the AI to be considered the author of the work. In this article, we will focus on the more specific question of who holds the copyright on deepfakes generated by AI with human intervention under the current laws.1

===========AULA 4/11====================================================
These historical artefacts are totally faked. Artist Nora Al-Badri is using deepfakes for good – to free historical artefacts from museums and reinvent them for the digital age. Nora Al-Badri was bored by deepfake porn. She thought the technology, best known for putting people’s faces into videos they weren’t actually in could be put to work doing something better. As an artist who regularly works with digital technology, Al-Badri had an idea for a more interesting project employing an AI technique known as a generative adversarial network (GAN), commonly used for deepfakes.

MODA: AI can change a fashion model’s pose and alter their clothes to match
Read more:

ERIC CHURCH recria-se a si próprio, cantando 
breathing all-new life into his old work. Directed by Reid Long, the intriguing clip features digitally edited scenes from many of the most-popular videos of Church’s career, making it appear as if the Eric Church of days-gone-by is singing a brand new tune.

Deepfake technology could soon give anybody with a computer or phone the power of a Hollywood special effects department. In the next several years, technologists predict we will all be able to create photo-realistic videos and sound recordings using software enabled by artificial intelligence. That means instead of using cameras and microphones, next-generation "synthetic media'' will be completely generated by computers.


Deepfake Technology May Be The Future Of Short-Term Weather Forecasting. This new tool uses the same technology as deepfakes to create "fake" weather predictions, which are more accurate than any other method to date.


With realistic software, processes like De-aging as with “The Irishman” soon to be produced very easily. And today deepfakes are also used in synchronization. The company “Flawless” developed its own AI that adapts dubbing texts to the movements of the lips of the actors, depending on the language of the country. The aim is to remove inaccurate translations and lip errors and create a more immersive viewing experience. Unfortunately, the technology is not yet fully developed, because the end result is still covered with inconsistencies, but the potential is there. The question that arises here is whether we could not have coped well with the last 100+ years of film dubbing without these adjustments. Shamook, Disney’s new deepfake artist, tells in an interview how he currently assesses the dangers of deepfakes. According to him, deepfakes are still too expensive to produce. So we don’t run the risk of being confronted with fake videos and pictures on every digital corner. “One click fakes”Are not yet possible, for this the target object has to match the original object too closely (as in the case of the Tom Cruise imitator). But what will happen with it in ten years’ time is another question.


Live, from your smartphone! It’s you and your friends in a personalized sketch-comedy show, brought to you by Snapchat. The new 10-episode Snap original series “The Me and You Show” taps into Snapchat’s Cameos — a feature that uses a kind of deepfake technology to insert someone’s face into a scene. Using Cameos, the show makes you the lead actor in comedy skits alongside one of your best friends by uploading a couple of selfies.


TikTok trolls are creating deepfakes and deceptively editing real users’ videos to promote “transracialism”.

How Deepfake Technology Can Change The Movie Industry. Deepfake technology is continuing to grow and become more popular, and here's how it can help and change Hollywood and the movie industry.

Beck aparece como jovem paul McCartney


A research team at the University of Southern California has developed a new artificial intelligence system that uses human-like abilities to imagine never-before-seen objects. By using systems that extrapolate data, researchers were able to envision an object and change its attributes in a similar process to human imagination. "We were inspired by human visual generalization capabilities to try to simulate human imagination in machines," Yunhao Ge, one of the researchers and a computer science PhD student at USC said in a statement. 


Faux songs created from the original voices of star artists are becoming more popular (and more convincing), leading to murky questions of morality and legality.

El deepfake de Lola Flores, Gran Premio Nacional de Creatividad 2021

Uma campanha de conscientização sobre a amiloidose – uma doença rara, incapacitante e irreversível, caracterizada pelo depósito de proteínas insolúveis no corpo – é a primeira no Brasil a usar o recurso de deep fake em um vídeo de propaganda.

desfile moda e denuncia
Partiendo así de esta suma de ideas e impresiones, la casa de modas francesa ha buscado trasladar estas cuestiones a la pasarela, valiéndose para ello de un desfile en el que no ha dudado en hacer uso de la tan polémica tecnología “deepfake” para hacer de la modelo Eliza Douglas el único rostro que puede distinguirse a lo largo de todo el desfile. Un mecanismo con el que Balenciaga busca provocarnos y alertarnos sobre el hecho de que aquello que podamos estar viendo a día de hoy a través de los canales digitales, puede que sea mucho menos real de lo que nuestros ojos pueden estar diciéndonos.

deepfakes can also enable advances, especially in marketing. An example of this is provided by the artificial intelligence Marvel.AI from Veritone. This tool, identified by DigitalInformation, is based on a very simple operation.


There Are No Photos of Van Gogh as an Adult, So an Artist Created Eerily Realistic ‘Deep Fakes’ to Show How He Might Have Looked


a company called Flawless has created an AI-powered solution that will replace an actor’s facial performance to match the words in a film dubbed for foreign audiences.


O site MyHeritage, que oferece serviços voltados de genealogia online, lançou uma ferramenta que permite animar imagens usando deepfake. Chamada de "Deep Nostalgia", a plataforma tem como principal objetivo dar vida para fotos antigas, mas também pode ser utilizada em arquivos recentes.

- Tom Cruise no tiktok:


Personagens que são deepfakes
That is, except for one thing: the completely bonkers decision to have deepfakes of Davis and Rozelle narrate the entire documentary themselves. Rozelle passed away in 1996, Davis in 2011. They appear throughout the documentary as CGI reanimations of their former selves, pacing around the Raiders’ new stadium in Las Vegas—which, needless to say, was a big ol’ pit of sand during both men’s lives. (Did you think the league would pass up a promotional opportunity? Sin City, baby!) Things get weird immediately: While the deepfakes aren’t present in the official trailer, it takes less than a minute to get to a creepy, uncanny-valley version of Davis loitering around the Vegas stadium’s upper deck—in front of the 85-foot memorial torch built in his honor.


Musician Steven Wilson has released a creepy Deepfake music video for his new single “Self The prog rocker used the deep learning technique to swap faces with a range of celebrities — while holding on to his hair. The video takes things further by exploring the idea that anyone can now project a version or ‘self’ that has no bearing on reality, and by using only well-known faces the deception is made transparent. +

Legisladores da Alemanha dão luz verde para a utilização de imagens criadas por sistemas Deepfake de abuso sexual de crianças com o objetivo de atrair e caçar predadores na Internet

La banda escocesa Travis presenta el videoclip de ‘Nina´s song’ rodado en formato deepfake.

The union warned that without such rights, actors’ bodies, voices, and personalities can be lifted from their screen work and manipulated into footage they do not approve of and don’t get any compensation for, including deepfake pornography. While actors have a heightened risk of being manipulated into deepfake footage, the union emphasized any person with a social media account could also have their likeness manipulated.

Ressuscitar mortos
Holographic performances of dead stars welcomed, with caution.

No início de 2021, a Microsoft apresentou uma patente que pretende trazer mortos de volta à vida com inteligência artificial, por meio de chatbots. Esse é mais um exemplo de uma tecnologia inovadora, porém com sérias implicações morais, éticas e de privacidade. Entre esse tipo de invenção, ainda é possível mencionar a edição da genética de bebês, máquinas que leem pensamentos e outras tecnologias que suscitam debates devido ao seu caráter controverso.

Rejuvenescer atores em filmes/séries
Eduard Fernández mira a cámara con seriedad, pero no lo hace el Eduard Fernández de hoy, sino uno de hace años, rejuvenecido. Es él, pero no es él, porque en esa escena Eduard Fernández es un deepfake de sí mismo. Uno que permite que nos metamos en su pasado. +

(boas intenções, mas...) + Aunque el video sin duda tuvo buenas intenciones y contó con la aprobación de la familia, en redes sociales diversas personas manifestaron su incomodidad ante lo que muestra la pantalla. LINK

substituir um ator com COVi19
As the pandemic continues to stand in the way of filming, here in France, the popular soap opera "Plus Belle La Vie", or "Life's So Sweet", has had to turn to cutting-edge technology to get round the absence of a self-isolating cast member. The show, which is set in the southern city of Marseille, called on the help of an anonymous French YouTuber specialised in the art of "deepfake", a technique which allows faces to be superimposed onto bodies.

Screen actors will now be protected in New York from their likeness being used without their permission. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State legislature have approved and signed into law a bill that protects actors, living and deceased, from unwanted and unauthorized commercial exploitation of their likeness. The bill also bans “deepfake” pornographic videos, which superimpose the heads of actors into sexually explicit videos without their consent


Face replacement: el futuro de las películas históricas

The character is a deepfaked version of Donald Trump, but his voice and personality are completely separate from his familiar appearance. The series is created using deep learning, a subset of machine learning, a kind of artificial intelligence.

How artists and activists are using deepfakes as a force for good.

"Plus Belle la vie" se lance dans le "deep fake" pour remplacer une actrice malade du Covid-19

As Daniel Howe, an artist behind the project Spectre, says in Episode 1, “Synthetic media in various forms has been around almost as long as media itself. Art, satire, and activism have been used in a wide range of socially positive ways, mediating between technology and public discourse. So, as Walter Benjamin, the cultural critic, said almost 100 years ago, ‘Art is the product of this very conversation between technology and society.’”

MUSICA e pedagogia anti-porn deepfake

UK trio deep tan make spiky, post-punk influenced rock that is both minimalistic and danceable. The group just released their third single, "deepfake," where they sing "Is this the new trend / Deep in the fake end" over an insistent, staccato groove. “The song is a comment on consent," say the band. "When deepfakes first emerged, they were considered a real political threat. However, they’re mainly used to degrade women. A report by Deeptrace Labs found that 96% of deepfakes online involve simulating porn of female celebrities (without their consent). This song is a comment on this strange internet subculture.” We've got the premiere of the new "deepfake" video which was directed by Simon Milner of the band Is Tropical and uses very basic deepfake technology -- he created the whole thing on an iPhone and only needed selfies from the band to make it. It's weird and a little disturbing, and the original version got pulled from YouTube for violating “community guidelines." They've now redone it and weaved the emails YouTube sent them into the video. It's a little more PG-13 and yet perhaps more unsettling. Now hosted on Vimeo, you can watch below.

(e os direitos dos musicos? Por alguem a cantar algo que ele nunca cantaria? direitos não apenas autorais mas de memória)
The song in question not a genuine track, but a convincing fake created by “research and deployment company” OpenAI, whose Jukebox project uses artificial intelligence to generate music, complete with lyrics, in a variety of genres and artist styles. Along with Sinatra, they’ve done what are known as “deepfakes” of Katy Perry, Elvis, Simon and Garfunkel, 2Pac, Céline Dion and more. Having trained the model using 1.2m songs scraped from the web, complete with the corresponding lyrics and metadata, it can output raw audio several minutes long based on whatever you feed it. Input, say, Queen or Dolly Parton or Mozart, and you’ll get an approximation out the other end.
Admirable as the technical achievement is, there’s something horrifying about some of the samples, particularly those of artists who have long since died – sad ghosts lost in the machine, mumbling banal cliches 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to create new 'deepfake' pop songs that sound like they're being performed by dead musicians, including Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, David Bowie and Michael Jackson. Jukebox, created by California-based company OpenAI, is a neural network that generates eerie approximates of pop songs in the style of multiple artists. The neural network generates music, including rudimentary singing complete with lyrics in English and a variety of instruments like guitar and piano. Deepfakes of musicians raise all kinds of moral quandaries

Cette chanson n’a pourtant jamais été interprétée par Sinatra. C’est un faux plus vrai que nature généré par Jukebox, un programme mis au point par “l’entreprise de recherche en intelligence artificielle” OpenAI, qui est capable de composer de la musique et des paroles à la façon de toutes sortes d’artistes  + 

========================Aula TCM 20/21
El lado bueno del ‘deepfake’: el doblaje perfecto para series y películas

a song from popular popstar Black Eyed Peas has been shared on Action YouTube. The video of this song has been composed entirely with the help of Deepfake and the pop star’s face is seen in the scenes of popular films 

Deepfake Putin is here to warn Americans about their self-inflicted doom. AI-generated synthetic media is being used in a political ad campaign—not to disrupt the election, but to save it.

(defender a privacidade)
This AI Deepfakes Reality In The Name Of Privacy. The deepfake technology I’m taking about is from a Berlin-based startup called Brighter AI, which provides privacy solutions for an increasingly surveilled world: license plate blurring and face blurring so companies with cameras can comply with European privacy laws, especially GDPR.

campanha contra as armas/ressuscitar um filho morto!



A New Tool Aims to Protect Protesters From Facial Recognition With Deepfakes. The service was born out of GDPR compliance tech.

Tencent, la empresa propietaria de WeChat y uno de los tres gigantes tecnológicos más importantes de China, destaca en un reciente libro blanco técnico sobre sus planes relacionados con la inteligencia artificial (IA), traducido por los profesores chinos Jeffrey Ding y Caroline Meinhardt, que la tecnología deepfake “no trata solo de falsificar y engañar, sino que es una tecnología muy creativa e innovadora”. Además, insta a los reguladores a “ser prudentes” y a no tomar medidas drásticas que eviten sus posibles beneficios para la sociedad.

The Viterbi-affiliated student club gathers dozens of undergraduates with a shared passion: to advance artificial intelligence technologies for social good. By dividing into smaller teams and working with professors, startups, and local organizations, CAIS++ members work on various AI applications to help solve societal problems.

Chan has used portraits of 16 Singapore politicians to produce the deepfake version of the popular Japanese video game song "Dame Da Ne" or "Baka Mitai". There PM Lee and Singh besides Jamus Lim, Raeesah Khan, Sylvia Lim are lip-syncing to the song that recently reappeared on the social media platforms. Since uploading the video on his Facebook page on Friday, August 8, Chan has received close to 250,000 views.

In a white paper about its plans for AI, WeChat-owner Tencent lists the societal benefits of deepfake technology and urges regulators to be lenient (Karen Hao/MIT Technology Review) +

That means a shortage of media for companies that might need new instructional videos, promotional materials, or any other footage. That’s why, Wired reports, more companies are investigating a high-tech workaround: replacing actors with synthetic performers made using deepfake technology. The results are a bit jarring, but represent a surprisingly legitimate use for tech often reserved for disinformation and harassment campaignsThe advertising firm WPP already commissioned the AI company Synthesia to make training videos featuring deepfake avatars, which it will send out to tens of thousands of employees this month,

Welcome to Chechnya, which debuts on June 30 on HBO and HBO Max, represents a rare positive example of deepfakes. With the help of deepfake technology, the film can shine light on human rights abuses while minimizing the risk for victims involved in the production. +

Os deepfakes são aqueles vídeos criados por inteligência artificial que imitam perfeitamente uma pessoa, e fazem acreditar que ela esteja realmente sendo retratada naquelas imagens. Por mais surpreendente que alguns deepfakes sejam, eles ainda têm uma certa limitação de resolução, mas um novo avanço dos estúdios da Disney pode acelerar a chegada da técnica às produções cinematográficas.

jun20 CARROS
They were immediately moved to try to address the challenge and surprised to find that no else seemed to be doing so as well. The pair quickly learned that not being able to change the dialogue of footage after recording was a central problem, and the only solution would rely on emerging technologies. With their software development background from the IDF and Tel Aviv University, Heimann and Ben-Ami founded and bootstrapped CannyAI three years ago.
Developed by UK autonomous vehicle software specialist Oxbotica, the technology is capable of generating thousands of photo-realistic images in minutes to help test driverless vehicles safely. +

Forrest Gump

jun20 DeepFaceDrawing is a new AI system designed to generate realistic images of human faces based on simple or incomplete sketches. Created by a team of researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and City University of Hong Kong, their 
research paper
 proposes that it can be used for anything from character design to criminal investigations.



Deepfake technology is here to stay and while the finished article can be unnerving, and there are ethical issues around its use, it's a worthy trade off for a new and exciting creative tool, argues The Moon Unit.
How deepfakes could change fashion advertising. 

Why deepfakes are good for retail~.

Spotify y otras marcas que están haciendo uso de las deepfakes para sus campañas publicitarias.

How media firms can gain from the otherwise controversial tech. They provide huge opportunity for media firms that want to tap into the 'fun and goofy' side of this tech


"We can take a target face and swap it with a source face," explained Anne Marie holding the smartphone and app. She also explained that Deep Nen's technology can be used in Hollywood. "We can also scale and virtualize, say George Clooney's face when he can't be in a commercial in Germany, but we can set up the scene so that we can just implant his face on somebody else's. Deep Nen is also working with Facebook to create technology that will spot and stop fake news from happening.

20Mai Trump usa em seu benefício

Tiger King

ABBA em Português


Last month Sophie Wilmès, the prime minister of Belgium, appeared in an online video to tell her audience that the COVID-19 pandemic was linked to the “exploitation and destruction by humans of our natural environment.” Whether or not these two existential crises are connected, the fact is that Wilmès said no such thing. Produced by an organization of climate change activists, the video was actually a deepfake, or a form of fake media created using deep learning. Deepfakes are yet another way to spread misinformation – as if there wasn’t enough fake news about the pandemic already.


MAR20 Michael Clauser, head of data and trust at Access Partnership, doesn’t think deepfakes are all bad—a position he came to over time. While working with a technologist, Clauser learned that the “underlying technology” of deepfakes can be used to solve issues by orchestrating and training algorithms when they are missing data. For example, deepfakes can train artificial intelligence to recognize cancer in diagnostic tests. LINK

Deepfakes Are Good for More Than Just Manipulating Voters
With Israel's general election taking place Tuesday, researcher Dov Greenbaum outlines the dangers, consequences, and potential legitimate uses of deepfakes,7340,L-3770491,00.html

But what would happen if we could enact safeguards against the nefarious use of deepfakes? A world of possibility opens up. After all, no one can argue that deep fakes aren’t innovative. Using advanced AI to replicate works of art or resurrect long-dead actors for starring roles in new films (as is the case with several actors in recent Star Wars films), is an innovative way of using the technology for society’s benefit.

Na última semana, o canal no YouTube Aldo Jones publicou um vídeo com dois trailers de Homem-Aranha: Longe de Casa, trocando Tom Holland por Tobey Maguire. Assista acima. A mudança aconteceu usando Deep Fake, onde o youtuber colocou o rosto de Maguire no corpo de Holland. Homem-Aranha: Longe de Casa será lançado em versão digital no dia 17 de setembro. Já o DVD e Blu-Ray chegam no dia 1º de outubro. Eles virão com cenas deletadas, erros de gravação e vídeos de bastidores.
O Massive Attack também comemora as duas décadas de "Mezzanine" com uma turnê especial pelo Reino Unidos e EUA. Os shows especialmente os realizados nos EUA, estão sendo acompanhados de um telão de LED com vídeos em deep fake — códigos abertos capazes de auxiliar a manipulação de rostos em conteúdo audiovisual — dos governantes Donald Trump e Vladimir Putin

O que a tecnologia está a fazer: novos "deepfakes" utilizam a tecnologia das "redes adversárias generativas" (GANs) para avaliar se podem ser detectados antes mesmo de serem publicados. Ainda mais impressionante, ou preocupante: uma equipe de universitários alemães trabalha desde 2016 em uma ferramenta de "marionetização".

Perspetiva otimista:
Tomorrow is good: Why deep fake media doesn’t worry me LINK
Fev20 Los riesgos de los deepfakes son innegables. Sin embargo, el ejemplo de Dalí ilustra que es imposible ser blanco y negro sobre esta tecnología. En nuestra investigación, agrupamos los deepfakes en cinco categorías: intercambio de voz, conversión de texto a voz, intercambio de caras en video, títeres de cuerpo completo y sincronización de labios. En cada categoría, vemos oportunidades comerciales claras. Algunos aún deben materializarse, mientras que otros ya se están realizando. LINK

 el video es una sátira: Bolsonaro nunca se vistió de Chapulín Colorado. Todo fue obra del periodista y editor de medios digitales Bruno Sartori, que usó técnicas de deepfake, o ultrafalso, para combinar un video del Chapulín Colorado con otro de Bolsonaro en el que aparece hablando en una ceremonia en Dallas, Estados Unidos. Días antes, el presidente brasileño había recibido un reconocimiento como “personalidad del año” por parte de la Cámara de Comercio Brasil-Estados Unidos y en un aparente intento de adaptar su lema de campaña para apaciguar a sus anfitriones durante su discurso de aceptación, dijo con torpeza, “Brasil y Estados Unidos por encima de todo. Brasil encima de todos” (el lema verdadero es “Brasil por encima de todo, Dios por encima de todos”).

Mar20 Ukrainian-founded AI startup Respeecher has landed a $1.5 million in funding for its voice transformation and transfer technology aimed at the entertainment industry. The round was led by ff Venture Capital, with participation from Acrobator Ventures, ICU Ventures, Network VC, and several angel investors.

FEv20 FORMAÇÂO A consultancy that makes business training videos is advertising for a "deepfake expert" to create a new generation of presenters.

AI could generate faces that match the expressions of anonymous subjects to grant them privacy—without losing their ability to express themselves.”
How the technology behind deepfakes can benefit all of society. Deepfakes are "neither intrinsically good nor evil."

“DEZ19 “Embora os algoritmos do deepfake sejam muito utilizados para promover crimes na Internet, a tecnologia também pode ser empregada para tratar doenças como a depressão. Com o uso da imagem de outra pessoa, o paciente que não se sente confortável em expor seu problema pode relatá-lo a um psicólogo ou psiquiatra sem precisar se identificar. Além disso, a depressão também pode ser reconhecida pela IA a partir do tom de voz da pessoa.” (LINK)

FEV20 An Indian politician used AI to translate his speech into other languages to reach more voters The intentional use of AI to fabricate a video is apparently a first in Indian politics

MAR20 Deepfakes are your friend. Yes, deepfake technology has understandably become notorious in the wake of deepfake porn videos and the threat deepfakes seemingly pose to politics. However, the ability to generate realistic simulations using artificial intelligence will, on the whole, be only a positive for humanity.

Mar20 The business of digital marketing is multifaceted and this complexity is matched by that of the deepfake. This technology both poses a threat and holds a lot of potential concerning digital content. So the real question is: Are deepfakes friend or foe? LINK

Só arte, só humor, só provocação

“Ainda que bem produzidos, o propósito desses vídeos não é enganar: todos são acompanhados de descrições que denunciam o fake e levam a marca d’água do projeto. Além disso, em geral retratam situações absurdas, colocando rostos de homens em corpos de mulheres (e vice-versa), ou inserindo o presidente dos Estados Unidos Donald Trump em um videoclipe de rap rock. The Fakening é bem sucedido em entreter. “Eu pensei, ‘eu acho que consigo conquistar seguidores muito rápido se eu afastar [os deepfakes] da pornografia e transformá-los em memes engraçados”, comentou Shales em entrevista ao site The Verge. Criado no início de 2019, seu perfil no Instagram já tem mais de 170 mil seguidores. LINK

no cinema:

L’artiste Ctrl Shift Face, roi des « deepfakes ». Ce Slovaque a réalisé les hypertrucages les plus célèbres du Web. Donald Trump, Bruce Lee ou encore Elon Musk ont intégré ses vidéos, aussi drôles que fascinantes.

Divertimento ou política? “José Luis Martínez Almeida, alcalde de Madrid, es Austin Powers en un divertido montaje deepfake, en el que se reunirá con José María Aznar, Mariano Rajoy y Esperanza Aguirre. El vídeo se ha convertido en una pieza viral que corre como la pólvora por el cosmos cibernético. En el vídeo Almeida es Austin Pollers, el soltero de oro. En el mismo se puede apreciar a un fiestero Almeida que es seducido por una joven con la cara de Aznar. En sus fantasías baila y se mueve junto a Esperanza Aguirre en una fiesta psicodélica. En la pantalla de su coche, su superior en Inteligencia, Johnny M'entero, le da indicaciones. El bueno de Johnny es el ex presidente del Gobierno Mariano Rajoy. LINK
Deepfake George Lucas Is More Convincing Than Actual George Lucas O experimento de EZRyderX47 foi ambicioso: a partir de deepfakes, ele recriou uma cena do clássico De Volta Para o Futuro ao trocar os rostos dos atores Michael J. Fox e Christopher Lloyd pelas expressões de Tom Holland e Robert Downey Jr. Trata-se de um momento do filme original em que Marty McFly e o doutor Emmett Brown conversam nos corredores do colégio do rapaz.

Usados na publicidade:

Ad agencies are so restricted in how they can generate content, they'll explore anything that can be computer-generated, suggested a New York Times article last week.
"Effective advertising is built on novelty and surprise," noted Josh Crandall, CEO of NetPop Research, a market research and strategy consulting firm in San Francisco. +

Mai20 O anúncio da State Farm foi um exemplo benigno de um novo e importante fenômeno perigoso na IA: deepfakes. A tecnologia deepfake permite que qualquer pessoa com um computador e uma conexão à internet crie fotos e vídeos com aparência realista de pessoas dizendo e fazendo coisas que na verdade não disseram ou fizeram.

set20 A empresa de tecnologia japonesa DataGrid usou a tecnologia GAN para criar modelos gerados por computador assustadoramente realistas. O artista Robbie Barrat usou IA para gerar um desfile Balenciaga e mais tarde ajudou com uma coleção real do Acne Studios. A LVMH desenvolveu uma solução de inteligência artificial com a qual os consumidores detectam produtos falsificados usando seus smartphones por meio de uma das empresas em seu programa aceleração.

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